Reviews: Advance Veterinary Diets Cat

Reviews of Advance Veterinary Diets Cat
Reviews in other countries
  • Published by on 25/06/2024

    La veterinaria nos recomendó una alimentación para gastroenteritis porque mi gata tenía diarreas y no sabíamos muy bien la causa. La verdad es que no mejoraron sus deposiciones pero claro tampoco sabemos de donde venía el problema. Al menos parece que tiene buen sabor porque le gusta.

    See Gastroenteric Wet Food for Cats
  • Published by on 07/04/2024

    Prodotto eccezionale

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 11/03/2024

    Compro varias vezes e os gatinhos adoram.

    See Renal Wet Cat Food
  • Published by on 05/02/2024

    Bom produto mas encareceu bastante nos ltimos meses.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 03/01/2024

    Comida excelente para gatos esterilizados.

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 28/09/2023

    Excelente o meu gato adora

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 25/08/2023

    Lo mezclo con otro pienso para un aporte extra y les va genial a mis hurones

    See Gastroenteric Sensitive Food for Cats
  • Published by on 02/08/2023

    Je ne mets que 4 toiles car je suis mitige. En effet, ma petite Doudou est trs difficile et je ne suis pas certaine qu'elle ait apprci. Elle doit manger gastro et aucune marque ne passe, je ne sais plus quoi acheter ;-(

    See Gastroenteric Wet Food for Cats
  • Published by on 17/07/2023

    excelente produto

    See Vet Diets Renal Care
  • Published by on 30/11/2022

    ainda no sei qual vai ser o resultado

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 19/11/2022

    El mejor con relacin calidad precio.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 09/11/2022


    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 07/11/2022

    Excelente 5 estrelas

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 10/10/2022

    Se lo come muy bien.

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 21/09/2022

    ok ok

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 12/09/2022

    Les gusta mucho y les va muy bien sobre todo a Kuky que es sensible.

    See Gastroenteric Sensitive Food for Cats
  • Published by on 19/08/2022

    Excelente! Vou continuar a comprar.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 01/08/2022

    Produto de qualidade.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 22/06/2022

    Pienso perfecto para gato con problemas urinarios, he provado otros y este se lo come muy bien.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 14/06/2022

    a comida de eleição dos meus gatos tenho 2 com problemas urinários.

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 11/06/2022


    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 01/06/2022

    Essencial para controlo da patologia urinria do meu gato

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 22/05/2022

    El meu gat ha hagut de canviar la dieta i de memt, sembla que aquest pinso li agrada

    See Vet Diets Renal Care
  • Published by on 21/05/2022

    Para mis gordos

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 15/05/2022


    See Gastroenteric Sensitive
  • Published by on 09/05/2022

    A reenal que os meus gatos adora,.

    See Vet Diets Renal Care
  • Published by on 04/05/2022


    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 04/05/2022


    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 13/04/2022


    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 12/04/2022

    Bom produto

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 06/04/2022

    Mis gatas no terminan de perder peso del todo, son muy hambronas y quiz debera quitarle la comida a cada rato

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 03/04/2022

    timo para gatos com problemas no sistema urinrio, excelente relao qualidade/preo

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 24/03/2022

    Os meus gatos gostaram.

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 23/03/2022

    Para mi gato que tiene problemas urinarios le va muy bien.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 23/03/2022

    Os meus gatos adoram e ajuda bastante na saúde do sistema urinário!

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 16/03/2022


    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 24/02/2022

    Bom produto, Bom preo

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 22/02/2022

    Eles adiram

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 22/02/2022

    Eles adiram

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 02/01/2022

    a mesma qualidade com a promoo na altura certa.

    See Urinary Feline
  • Published by on 28/12/2021

    A ração dos meus 4 gatos. Tem propriedades nutricionais muito benéficas, mesmo para gatos que não estejam a fazer dieta. Para os mais gordinhos reduzo a quantidade, embora note que ainda assim eles vão roubar aos outros porque provavelmente gostam "demais" do seu sabor. Bom preço.

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 27/12/2021

    Volver a pedir.

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 18/12/2021

    Muito bom. O meu gato adora

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 11/12/2021

    Bom produto.

    See Weight Balance Adult Cat Food
  • Published by on 07/11/2021

    No le encanta. Lo compr para ver si mejoraba el vmito....

    See Gastroenteric Sensitive
  • Published by on 07/11/2021

    One of the best cat foods on the market.

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 07/11/2021

    One of the best cat foods on the market.

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 30/10/2021

    Es un producto excelente! Mis gatos quedan sper satisfechos

    See Gastroenteric Sensitive
  • Published by on 24/10/2021

    Excelente qualidade para gatinhos com problemas urinrios.

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie
  • Published by on 24/10/2021

    Excelente qualidade para gatinhos com problemas urinrios.

    See Cat Sterilized Urinary Low Calorie